
London's #1 Driving School

Learning To Drive On Quiet Roads

Learning to drive is something which almost everyone will attempt at some stage in their lives; and while many people opt to get the ball rolling as soon as they turn 17, it can still be a daunting prospect at any age.

For some it’s the fear of the unknown and the responsibility which comes with driving vehicles, for others it’s the fear of failure – especially if that person is a little older and feels the pressure of needing to hold a license.

DVLA Confirms Abolition of Licence Counterpart in 2015

The Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has confirmed its commitment to abolishing the photo driving licence paper counterpart to the photocard version from January of next year. (Pre-1998 paper licences (i.e. those issued before the photocard was introduced) will not be affected.)

Driving Test Fee Drops

A public consultation held by the government over the past couple of months has led to a reduction in the cost of taking the driver’s theory test, down £6 from £31 to £25, a change that is due to be rolled out to test takers in October. A further reduction of £2 is set to […]

One In Eight Road Casualties Caused By Young Drivers

According to a recent report from motoring charity the RAC foundation, almost one in eight (11.9%) of all road casualties take place in an incident that involves a driver aged between 17 and 19. This worrying statistic, taken from a report of all police-reported traffic collisions between 2008 and 2012, comes despite the fact that this […]

Zmiana biegu z I na II. Zmiana biegów w górę. Zmiana biegów w dół. Ogólne zasady jazdy do tyłu. Jazda do tyłu na wprost. Skręty podczas jazdy do tyłu. Jazda slalomem.

Changing Gear 1

Zmiana biegu z I na II. Zwiększenie obrotów silnika (prędkości jazdy pojazdu) na I biegu. Zamknięcie gazu z jednoczesnym wciśnięciem pedału sprzęgła. Przełożenie dźwigni zmiany biegów z I na II (otwarta dłoń lewej ręki prowadzi dźwignię przy lewej krawędzi w linii prostej z zaakcentowaniem przejścia przez bieg neutralny). Puszczenie sprzęgła z jednoczesnym zwiększeniem obrotów.

Should Your Driving Test Be Recorded?

Driving tests aren’t the most enjoyable things. The stress that comes with them is justified, with first time pass rates below 50% in most parts of the country. In fact, the level of strictness associated with British driving tests in particular is notorious across the continent.