
How Should Driving Instructors Be Using Social Media?

With only 42,000 registered driving instructors in the UK, executing an effective social media strategy could dramatically increase your clientele.

The explosion of social media has undoubtedly garnered major interest from numerous businesses and in turn, massively increased both client engagement and loyalty. With Facebook and Twitters 900 million and 200 million users respectively, social media nowadays plays a crucial role in any marketing campaign that aims to increase brand awareness and website traffic.

With only 42,000 registered driving instructors in the UK, executing an effective social media strategy could dramatically increase your clientele.

Here’s an overview of what you can do on social media to help boost your reach.


It is vital that your Twitter username for your driving school is relevant, snappy and memorable. All tweets should be friendly in tone, well-written and related to the driving and automobile industry.

Leave tweets about what you had for tea for your personal account, as highly personal and irrelevant tweets can have a negative effect and depletes brand integrity. Following relevant users in the driving school sector, thanking users for retweeting as well as retweeting others, is a good way to build brand status and a sense of inter-community within the Twitter sphere.

Make sure to update your Twitter regularly to preserve the interest of your followers. Up to 3 or 4 tweets a day will suffice, but bombarding the feed could be an annoyance to your followers and thus a hindrance to your marketing goals.



Facebook is a more visual social media pathway whereby you can target potential clientele through posts containing images, links and videos. Creating a Facebook page for your driving school will help develop brand awareness and gaining likes and shares on your posts can highly publicise your school.

Again take care to write posts that are relevant and do not post too frequently. Be sure to link your website to your Facebook page and list your contact number for maximum exposure.


Thinking Outside The Box

When thinking about marketing for your driving school it’s essential to think outside the box to increase your brand awareness. Social media is the craze these days, but by enforcing more traditional methods of marketing such as word of mouth and promoting in local newspapers or community centres, you can still gain the interest of new clients.

Although these marketing methods may seem outdated, many parents still search for driving schools for their children in this way.

It’s also worth creating a regularly-updated blog on your website, a blog that enforces your knowledge on the driving industry.

Why not create partnerships with other driving schools or promote special lesson offers exclusively for your followers? The key to successfully implementing a social media strategy that ultimately increases revenue, is communication – communicate with your clients, potential clients, ask questions, answer questions. 

Why not start a competition for 5 free driving lessons, perhaps randomly choosing an individual that likes or follows your online profiles?

This could increase your likes and/ or followers tenfold and could be far more economically beneficial for your business long term, than the 5 free driving lessons you will give as a result.


Running and managing your social media marketing can often be very time consuming, and expensive, which is why Wimbledon Driving School focus on building a social media presence on a daily basis on a number of social networks, including: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Not only do we provide outstanding support to our driving instructors, we also ensure that every day, they have a pupils who want to learn how to drive.

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