
Should Your Driving Test Be Recorded?

Driving tests aren't the most enjoyable things. The stress that comes with them is justified, with first time pass rates below 50% in most parts of the country. In fact, the level of strictness associated with British driving tests in particular is notorious across the continent.

DVSA Reviews Policy Of Not Recording Driving Tests

Driving tests aren’t the most enjoyable things. The stress that comes with them is justified, with first time pass rates below 50% in most parts of the country. In fact, the level of strictness associated with British driving tests in particular is notorious across the continent.

That in mind, a prospective driver might feel more than a little uncomfortable about the idea of further adding to their stress by having the lesson filmed.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) currently has a policy of not filming tests. However, with many instructors now choosing to film lessons for the benefit of their clients, the agency has just announced that they will review the policy.

The change, if it happens, will see front and rear cameras recording what goes on outside a vehicle, giving a picture of what is going on where instructors cannot see. This does have some advantages.

The Case For Cameras

Filming a driving test should not actually add to the client’s pressure, as the DVSA is not proposing to use indoor cameras and there is no suggestion that audio recordings would be taken either.

The footage, in fact, could potentially be very useful for both parties. Instructors would be able to provide potentially helpful feedback with their candidates, looking over a video and pointing out where things could have been done better, or where the candidate had performed an action especially well.

The candidate also has the opportunity to look over their driving from the outside, seeing their performance from a different slant.

The Case Against

There are reasons that the current policy of the DVSA is one of not filming tests, of course. For one thing, the agency says, tests are a far bigger picture than the external or internal footage that would be captured by video cameras. Although they will not consider the latter in their review, this raises the point as to whether there is actually any point in filming a test at all.

There is also the issue of complicating an already precise procedure. Driving tests are stressful for candidates and ask a lot of instructors, who have to observe and mark as they are driven. Allowing cameras may not significantly add to the merit of a test, but they could certainly complicate it.

After all, Britain’s roads are some of the safest in Europe. There are advantages to using cameras, but potential drawbacks as well. Either way, it is a good step for the DVSA to keep all their policies fresh and subject to review – but it is hard to ignore an old maxim: if it isn’t broken, why try to fix it?

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) currently has a policy of not recording tests, so should Your Driving Test Be Recorded?

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