
Driving Lesson Routes In Chelsea

Learning to drive in Chelsea is no mean feat, and with all its shops, cafes and bars, Chelsea can be a bit of a challenge. Nevertheless, there are plenty of places you can practise.

Residential Areas Ideally Suited For Slower Driving

Between the Chelsea Physic Gardens at the south and the Royal Brompton Hospital in the north, there are networks of quieter residential roads where you can practise turns and manoeuvres, including reverse around a corner and bay parking (although if you’re not feeling too confident, you might want to head out of the area for the latter, given the standard of cars on the streets of Chelsea!).

At the intersection between Radnor Walk and Redesdale St/Tedworth Gardens, you can practise navigating a four-way intersection, where you will need to look both ways for traffic as well as ahead, to see which direction oncoming traffic is travelling in.


On the other side of the Kings Road is another network of residential roads. Bear in mind on your way to either side of the road that Kings Rd is a busy shopping street. If you are feeling less confident about navigating the road in the busier areas, head west where there are fewer shops and less footfall before turning onto or off of the road.

Roundabouts And Larger Roads

Looping over Chelsea Bridge and back over Albert Bridge, or vice versa, with a circuit of Battersea Park and a short drive along the Thames on the Chelsea side is a scenic way to practise turns, junctions, and roundabouts.

Take the route anti-clockwise to practise left turns, and once you feel comfortable, reverse the route (turning in a safe place off of these larger roads, of course!) to practise turning right. Make sure to complete the loop taking in Battersea Park road, rather than driving along Prince of Wales Drive, so that you get to practise on the larger junction near Battersea Park Railway Station as well as the roundabout.

Car Parks?

Many of the car parks in Chelsea are, unfortunately, private or limited in size. Because of this, they aren’t ideal for practising manoeuvres that are suited to car parks, such as bay parking and emergency stops.

Rather than put yourself under pressure in a smaller place we’d suggest heading over the river where many superstores have larger car parks with plenty of space. You’ll find one, for example, right near the Kennington Oval, which is easy to get to from Chelsea.

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