
How Many Minors Can You Get On Your Driving Test?

The practical driving test is the final hoop that learners have to jump through before being granted their licence. While the examination can be daunting, it’s much easier to pass for those people who fully understand how it’s graded.

You may have heard that an examiner will be looking out for how many minors you make – but what does this mean exactly?

Here’s everything you need to know ahead of your test.

What constitutes a minor?

A minor – also referred to as a driving fault – is when you make a mistake that isn’t deemed to be ‘potentially dangerous’. This could be anything along the lines of forgetting to look in your wing mirror or being overly cautious at a junction.

How many minors can you get?

You’re allowed to rack up no more than 15 minors on your driving test. While this figure might seem generous, you’re best to keep your minors low or else you’ll be teetering on the brink of a fail during your test.

What if you get too many minors?

If you repetitively incur a minor for the same fault, then this could be upgraded to a ‘serious fault’. You will fail your test if you incur just one of these.

driving test

How can you deal with minors?

You may notice an examiner making a note of your minors during the test. However, it’s best not to focus on this because it can distract you or cause you to lose your cool. Instead, you should try to remain focused on the road until the test ends.

Will you find out how many minors you get?

Yes. Whether you pass or fail your driving test, you’ll be told exactly how many minors you incurred and what you did to deserve them. This information can be invaluable when it comes to further developing your driving skills and learning from your mistakes.

Good luck!

You’ll be one step closer to passing your driving test once you’ve got your head around how minors work. If you’re thirsty for more information that can help you to achieve your licence, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Wimbledon Driving School.

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