
What is a Standards Check Test?

Standards Check Test ensures Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) are still on top form to do the job they’re trained for. It’s mandatory to take the test at least once every four years.

ADI BadgeYou don’t need much to do the test. Just bring along your ADI certificate, a car that is fit for the purpose, and a willing pupil. The pupil doesn’t actually have to be a learner; you can also use someone who has already passed their test, although they can’t be an ADI themselves.

The test itself consists of a regular one hour driving lesson, with the examiner looking to see if you meet the National Standards for Driver and Rider Training. The examiner will fill in a sheet grading you on 17 areas of competence, divided into these three categories:

  • Lesson planning
  • Teaching and learning skills
  • Risk management

For each competency you will receive a mark between 0 and 3, from which your overall grade is calculated. At the end of the lesson, the examiner will go over your performance and inform you of your grade. This normally takes about 15 minutes. You will receive either a Fail (0-30 points), Grade B (31-42) or Grade A (43-51). An A or B is a pass although an A is a pass with distinction.

An automatic fail will happen if you score 7 or less in the “risk management” element, or if the examiner has to stop the test because you’ve endangered yourself or someone else. If you fail you’ll have two more chances to pass the test. Three fails will mean disqualification from the Approved Driving Instructors register and you’ll have to retake the ADI tests to qualify again.

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